PA Forward Star Library Program![](images/PA Forward graphics/paforward.jpg)
South Park Township Library has completed its mission to become a gold star library. The PA Forward Star Library Program showcases and recognizes libraries that incorporate PA Forward and the five key literacies into their programming activities, displays and events. The program celebrates the success of PA Forward libraries and their abilities to create new partnerships, develop broader community support, and ultimately establish influence and credibility as a unified, collective, powerful voice for the benefit of all libraries.
What are the Five Literacies?
- Basic Literacy - Libraries can push Pennsylvania to achieve one of the highest literacy rates in the country, a better trained and more skilled workforce, and a growing tax base, economy, and population.
Information Literacy - Libraries can help all Pennsylvanians learn how to use online resources and current technology to improve their education, to enhance their job skills, and to participate fully in a digital society.
- Civic and Social Literacy - Libraries can give citizens of all ages the knowledge and skills they need to improve their lives, to contribute effectively in their communities, and to participate in civil discourse.
Health Literacy - Libraries can play an important role in helping citizens actively manage their own and their family’s well-being, making them effective partners with their health care providers and reducing costs.
- Financial Literacy - Libraries can help citizens become informed consumers and guide individuals, small businesses, and other organizations to contribute to the economic vitality of their communities.