Computer Classes

Let us assist you with learning how to use a computer! All Classes are FREE and will take place in the Library. The maximum capacity for each class is 6 people.
Basic Computer Skills Class
Tuesday, April 8th at 5:30pm
Learn the basic parts of a computer as well as a basic overview of the Windows 11 operating system. Sign up online for this class here.
Intermediate Computer Skills Class
Wednesday, April 9th at 5:30pm
Learn some of the more advanced features within Windows 11 including the task manager, uninstalling programs, and using anti-virus programs. Sign up online for this class here.
Advanced Computer Skills Class
Tuesday, April 15th at 5:30pm
Learn an overview of social media and how you can set up a Facebook account. Sign up online for this class here.
Introduction to the Internet Class
Wednesday, April 16th at 5:30pm
Learn how to get connected to the Internet as well as how to search for things online. Sign up online for this class here.
**Computer Classes may be Canceled or Postponed. If a scheduled class is Canceled/Postponed, the library will contact you to inform you of the changes.**
Computer Usage & Other Important Information
- Library Patrons MUST HAVE A LIBRARY CARD, that is in good standing, to access one of our public computers. Patrons will need to type in their library card's barcode number to log onto the computer.
- All 9 patron computers run the Windows 11 operating system. Each computer is equipped with a DVD-Rom drive, a 3.5 mm audio-out port for headphones, one
USB-C port, multiple USB Ports, for flash drives and other storage devices, one SD Card slot, and a built- in webcam, located at the top of the computer monitor.
- Headphones are available at the front desk. Patrons need to have a library card to borrow headphones.
- During an active session, the library computer will AUTOMATICALLY RESTART itself if a patron leaves it
idle for 5 minutes.
1-on-1 Tech Help Appointments
Unable to attend a class? Just have a simple question? Contact us to set up a 1-on-1 Tech Help Appointment.
South Park Township Library offers 1-on-1 Tech Help Appointments for questions regarding (computers, smartphones, tablets, internet searches, general computer skills, etc.). Each 1-on-1 Tech Help appointment will take place at the library.
To Schedule an Appointment, PLEASE CONTACT THE LIBRARY AT 412-833-5585. When you call, please specify what you would like help with and if you will be bringing your own device. Please bring any relevant information such as login information (usernames and passwords).
If you cannot make a scheduled appointment, please call the library as soon as you can.
**PLEASE BE ADVISED, the Library staff cannot help with fixing a personal computer, tablet, or other mobile device.**